Wacca Champions Cup. Played 26 th January 2025
1st Ben Smith 3 Down
2nd Matt Thomas 6 Down
3rd Colin Gilmore 6 Down.
Sunley Bowl Played 31st Dec.
1st L.Smith Gross 88 nett 73.
2nd C.Gilmore G 82 N 76.
Newman Shield Played 29th Dec .
1st M.Sutton 38pts.
2nd J.Marriott 37 pts.
3rd C.Gilmore 37pts.
Franks Match Played 27th Dec.
Result !st M.Dainton & H.Fox 36 pts.
2nd M.Gilmore & M. Thomas 33 pts.
3rd S.Scott & D.Mackay. 32 pts.
Heathcote Fsomes Played 1st Dec.
1st B.Smith & L.Fox nett 68.
2nd C.Gilmore & S.Gilmore N 71.
3rd M.Sutton & P.Day N 72
Veterans Played 17th,
D.Alexander 40pts.
2nd P.Langley 36 pts.
Under 50’s Played 17th Nov.
1st M.Garrood 38 pts.
2nd G.Mcintyre 37 pts.
Parent Club Match Played 16th Nov.
Result Artisans 9.5 V Parent Club 7.5
Billy Love Putter Played 10 November.
1st M.Dainton & D. Oliver 39 Pts.
2nd L.Smith & G.Mcintyre 39 Pts LOC.
3rd M.Febrey & M.Sutton. 37 pts.
Jock Mackay Trophy Played 27th October.
1st P.Langley & S Gilmore 44 pts.
2nd N.Jones & J.Marriott 42 pts.
3rd J.Dainton & A. Mackay. 40 pts.
Pro’s Prize Sun 29th Sept.
1st Mark Austin 56 points .
2nd Jacob Dainton 50 points
3rd Peter Day 48 points.
Closest pin Sean Gilmore.
Langley Park Match Result.
Royal Cinque Ports Artisans 9 – Langley Park Artisans 2
Jolly Sailors
Sunday 15th Sept.
1st M Lane & M.Sutton 41pts.
2nd J. Foryan & P.Tomlinson. 41pts LOC
Nearest Pin 8th C.Gilmore.
Match V Walton Heath played Saturday 14th Sept.
Walton Heath 3 – Deal 3
Match V Blackheath Sunday 8th Sept.
Blackheath 3 – Deal 2
Competition Report (Aggregated Net Result) – President’s Bowl 2024 – 31 August 2024 (1)Presidents Bowl.
Winner. Gareth Watkinson
Runner Up Paul Lansdown
Sat/Sun 31st.
Aug 1st Sept.
Denham 2024.
Great day had by all above winners of the 9 hole Texas Scramble . Result of the match was a 8-2 victory for Denham two wins fo r Deal coming from M.Roberts & J.Forster 7&6 . S.Minnock & Dainton 1up.
Bombers also went the way of Denham after a play off.
Cheetham Cup . Played 11th August.
1st P.Langley Gross 78 Nett 70.
2nd M Dainton G 88 N 72.
3rd B.Capper G 78 N 74
Seniors Trophy. Played 4th Aug.
1st P.Lansdown 32 Pts.WOC
2nd S.Minnock 32Pts.
3rd C.Gilmore 32Pts
Match V Berkshire. Result 2-3 loss.
ROB Tray Played 28th July .
1st D.Mackay 40 Pts.
2nd S.Scott 38 Pts.
3rd S.Bryant 37 Pts.
Mrs Love Memorial. Played Sunday 21st July.
1st D,Hibbert score – 16
2nd J.Landsdown – 16.5
3rd M.Login – 18
Findley Feathers Trophy. Played Sunday 7th July.
1st Ben Smith Gross 84 Nett 70.
2nd Phil Langley G,83 N, 75
3rd Simon Bryant G,85 N,76
Royal Cinque Ports Artisans V Blackheath . Sun 23rd June.
Result Deal 7 Blackheath 3
J.Ellis Lost 6&5
L.Fox Won 8&6
D.Oliver Won 2&1
M.Garrood Won 3&2
L.Smith Won 2&1
M.Thomas Lost 4&3
JP. Lisle Won 2up
Z.Foulds Lost 6&5
P.Langley Won 5&4
P.Day Won 2&1
Royal Cinque Ports Artisans V Royal St Georges .
Result Singles 5-5 Overall Result 5-10 win to Royal St Georges.
C.Gilmore Won 3-2
M.Gilmore Lost 2-1
S.Bryant Lost 3&2
M Austin Won 5-4
P.Langley Won 1 up
J.Marriott Lost 3-2
D.Mackay Won 5&4
J.Bryant Lost 2&1
L.Fox Lost 2&1
V.Peacock Won 2&1.
Charity Day in Aid of Breast Cancer .
A Cracking £3214 raised for Breast Cancer and a great day had by everyone who attended.
Winners 1st J Marriott & D.Hopper 39 points.
2nd M.Gilmore & M.Chaplin 38 points.
Cosest Pin 4th M.Febrey, 8th J.Burton, 14th N.Haywood
Longest Drive 5th S.Rodges, 12th .J.Dainton.
Closest Pin Royal Troon B.Smith
Cribben Cup
1st S. Skirrow Gross 83 Nett 65.
2nd. V Peacock G86 N70
3rd D.Mackay G98 N77
Intermediate Cup. Sunday 2nd June.
1st M.Austin Gross 83 nett 69.
2nd M.Sutton G 85 N 73.
3rd M.Mackay G103 N 89.
Bridgeland Scratch Cup Saturday 1st June.
1st C.Gilmore 79.
2nd M. Gilmore 80.
3rd L.Fox 82
Outposts Match Sunday 19th May. Result Lost 2-7.
J.Ellis Capt & D.Oliver Won 4-2
C.Gilmore & P Tomlinson Lost 3&1.
S.Scott & S.Pells Won 1up.
M.Gilmore & J.Marriott Lost 2&1.
L.Fox & M.Austin Lost 1 Dn.
S.Minnock & D.Hibbert Lost 2Dn.
L.Smith & G.Mcintyre Lost 5&4
S.Burton & S.Dougal Lost 2&1
V.Peacock & M.Login Lost 4&3
Match V CANTELUPE Away 25th May.
Result. 8.5 -1.5 overall win for Cantelupe 12-10.
S.Killip V P.Stratford Lost
S.Bryant V G.Mason Lost
S.Dougal V R.Munnery Lost.
M.Sutton V D.Heckford Lost.
D.Oliver V N.Cooper Lost.
L.Fox V N.Ward Lost
S.Minnock V M.Buckoke Lost.
M.Thomas V J.Haggas Lost.
P.Morris V A Brooker Halved.
J.Forester V S.Trumpess Won.
Match V Littlestone away Saturday 18th.
Result 1/2 – 4 1/2.
J.Ellis Capt & Z Foulds Lost 2 Dn.
J.Marriott & D .Skirrow Lost 4-3.
G.Mcintyre & M.Garrood Lost 2&1.
S.Burton & M.Austin Halved.
D.Mackay & A.Mackay Lost 6&5
Match V Royal St Georges Sunday 12th May.
Result 0-5.
M.Gilmore & S.Scott Lost 3&1.
P.Langley & M.Mackay Lost 6&5.
C.Gilmore & D.Oliver Lost 2 Down.
L.Fox & S,Minnock Lost 1 Down.
L.Smith & M.Login Lost 2&1
Match V Littlestone Sunday 5th May .
Result 8.5 -1.5.
C.Gilmore Won 2&1
B.Smith won 4&3
M.Austin Won 1 up
L.Fox Half.
M.Gilmore Lost 3&2
J.Burton Won 7&5
N.Jones Won 5&3
S.Burton Won 6&5
M.Roberts Won 3&2
P.Langley Won 3&2
Invitation Littlestone Team ,well done 2nd out of 15 Teams.
P.Langley 38 points.
S.Bryant 35 points.
C.Gilmore 32 points.
D.Hibbert 32 points.
Match V Sundridge Park Saturday 4th May .
Result 1-3
S.Bryant & J.Marriott won 4&3
M.Login & N.Jones lost 2&1
S.Scott & L.Smith Lost 4&2
M.Sutton & G. Mcintyre Lost 3-2
Match V Berkshire ( Forest Club ) Sunday 28th April.
Result 5-5.
J.Ellis (Capt) v G.Wells Lost 5-4
C.Gilmore V D.Good Won 5-4
L.Fox V P.Bidwell Halved
D.Oliver v S.Cox Won 4-3.
S.Scott V T.Bowron Won 4-3
M.Thomas V R.Craig Lost 2-1
P.Tomlinson v D.Reeve Lost 1 hole.
S.Minnock v A.Mudie Lost 6-4
L.Smith V M.Mellier Won 5-4
M.Login V W.Coupland Halved.
Dave Smith Senior Salver. 21st April.
1st B.Barnsley & A.Wales 38 Pts.
2nd. J.Burton & S.Burton 35 Pts.
3rd C.Gilmore & S.Gilmore. 34 Pts.
Royal Cinque Ports Artisans v Royal Ashdown Forest (Cantelupe)
12/03/2024. Result 8.5 v 3.5 win for Deal.
C.Gilmore 2 up v C.Forbes.
S.Killip 1up V Z.Lee.
J.Ellis (Capt) 1/2 v M. Pearson.1/2
M.Gilmore V N.Ward 6&5
P.Langley 1/2 v M. Zytyuski 1/2
M.Garrood 2&1 v G.Masson
M.Mackay 2up V M.Bukote
M.Thomas 7&5 V S.Trapess.
B.Smith 2&1 v D.Berry
S. Minnock 5&4 V S.Rocky
M.Austin 1/2 v A.Brookes 1/2.
D.Mackay V D. Heckford 2&1.
Littlestone Qualifier.
Played Sunday 17th March .
1st J.Dainton 41 points.
2nd S.Bryant. 39 points
3rd P.Langley.38 points
4th C.Gilmore.38 points.
Blanch Cup Played Sunday 10 th March.
1st S.Scott 42 points.
2nd M.Login 40 Points
3rd G. Mcintyre 38 points.
Johnny Love Classic Played Siunday 3rd March.
1st G.Watkinson 45 points
2nd L.Smith 41 points.
Joint Winners G.Watkinson 45p & S.Bryant 41p
Wacca Champions Cup Result. Played Sunday 18th February.
1st Shaun Scott 4up.
2nd Sean Gilmore 3up
3rd Liam Fox 3up
Franks Match
1st, C.Gilmore & D Mackay 35 pts.
2nd S.Killip & J. Burton 33 pts
Heathcote Foursomes.
1st J.Marriott & M.Gilmore. 148
2nd W.Jowett & D.Hibbert 150
Billy Love Putter
1st P.Langley & M Austin 35 pts.
2nd L.Smith & S.Pells 35pts LOC
Under 50’s
1st M.Austin 39pts.
2nd K.Jackson 39pts LOC
Veterans Trophy Played 22 October.
1st D.Hibbert 41points.
2nd S.Minnock 38 points.
3rd D.Mackay 38 points.
Singles Knockout Result
Congratulations to Jacob Dainton and unlucky to Shaun Scott in a well played final. Jacob getting home with a 4-3 win.
Doubles Result.
Congratulations to Shaun Scott and Steve Pells beat Josh and Steve Burton by one hole. Well played to all on reaching this years finals.
October Results.
Langley Park Home. RCPA 5- 1/2 V Langley Park 2- 1/2.
P.Lansdown Won 2-1
N.Jones Won 3-1
P.Tomlinson Won 6-5
S.Dougall Won 1 up.
M.Gilmore Won 4-3.
J.Ellis halved.
C.Gilmore Lost 1 down.
S.Scott Lost 3-1
September Results.
Pro’s Prize.
1st, Luke Smith 37 pts.
2nd, Mark Dainton 36 pts
Jolly Sailor v RCPGC Ladies.
1st Ann Hannah & Colin Gilmore 48points.
2nd Rosey Cureton & Stuart Bennett. 39 points
Newman Shield .
1st. Dean Oliver 76 nett 69
2nd, Dave Mackay 94 nett 71.
Cheetham Cup
1st P.Langley 81-10 Nett 71.
2nd S.Pells 80- 6 Nett 74
August Results.
Match V Gresham Result L0st 3.1/2 – 1/2
M.Gilmore & M. Dainton half
P.Lansdown & S.Scott L 6&5
D.Mackay & A.Mackay L 4&3
L.Fox & S.Skirrow L 6&4
Match V Langley park. Result 3-1 win.
C.Gilmore & M.Dainton W 5-4
J.Marriott & G. Mcintyre W 2 up
M.Gilmore & N.Jones W 2-1
P.Lansdown & S.Dougal L 3-1
Match V Littlestone (Away).
Match Drawn 2.5-2.5
P.Lansdown & M.Roberts Half.
C.Gilmore & S.Bryant. Lost 3&2.
S.Burton & J. Burton Lost 5&3
S.Killip & S.Scott Won 2up
P.Tomlinson & M.Sutton won 6&5
Mrs Love Memorial.
1st Phil Langley. 35pts woc.
2nd Steve Pells. 35pts
Jock Mackay Trophy
1st Wiliiam Jowett & Steve pells 43 pts.
2nd Martin Fry & Liam Smith. 41pts.
Latest Results for July
Presidents Bowl . Sat/Sun 29th/30th.
Overall Winner
1st Gary Skirrow -1
2nd Joseph Forster -1 lost on countback.
1st Gary Skirrow 0
2nd Liam Smith -1
1st Sam Killip +2
2nd Vince Peacock +1
ROB Tray .
1st Mark Austin 38pts
2nd Steve pells 36pts.
3rd Matty Mackay 35pts.
Match V Parent Club Sunday16th
Match V Denham Sunday 9th
Seniors Cup Result played Sunday 18th.
1st Gary Skirrow 92 nett 73
2nd Ian Marriott 99 nett 73 on countback.
Royal Cinque Ports Artisan V Royal St Georges.
Match Result 3-7
Full Result 7-8 to St Georges.
M.Gilmore Win, M.Sutton Win,M.Austin Win,S.Scott Lost,C.Gilmore Lost,J.Marriott Lost, S.Gilmore Lost,S.Minnock Lost, P.Tomlinson Lost,P.Langley Lost.
Charity Day 2023.
A Fantastic Day was had by 38 members and guests with a grand total of £2777 raised for Prostate Cancer UK. The committee done a great job organising and co-ordinating the smooth running of the day.A big thanks to those on the day Shaun Skirrow,James Ellis,Dean Oliver for there work .The Ladies laid on a fantastic spread afterwards thanks goes to Sharon & Amy for all there hard work on one of the hottest days of the year.
Result. 1st Dave Mackay & Graham Graves 41points.
2nd Martin Febery & Mark Febery 41 points.
Nearest Pin 4th Liam Minnock 8th Johnathan Samuels. 14th Harrison Febery.
Longest Drive 5th Tony Hallet, 12th Stuart Marriott.
Putting Comp John Boyd 19.
Sunday .4thJune.
Intermediate Cup.
1st Shaun Scott Gross 84 Net 75.
2nd James Ellis Gross 88 Net 78
Cribben Cup.
1st Vince Peacock Gross 90 Net 71.
2nd Shaun Minnock Gross 95 Net 77
Saturday 3rd June.
Bridgeland Scratch Cup.
1st Luke Smith 82.
2nd Sam Killip 89
Result Match played 21st May.
Deal 3.5 v Outposts 5.5
Winners : M.Gilmore & J. Marriott , L.Smith & G Mcintyre, S.Pells & S.Killip.
S.Minnock & M. Dainton Half.
D.Oliver & L.Fox ,V.Peacock & M. Login ,S.Burton & S.Bennett,C.Gilmore & P. Tomlinson J.Ellis& M.Gerood Lost
Sunley Bowl 14th May Result:
1st M.Gilmore Gross 73 Nett 68
2nd M.Sutton Gross 79 Nett 68.
3rd L.Fox Gross 76 Nett 72
Two Teams took part in the annual Littlestone
Championship Team A P.Tomlinson,C.Gilmore,P.Langley,N.Jones.
Team B finished 2nd .
M.Gilmore,M.Dainton,D.Oliver, L.Fox
Result Match Deal 7 v Littlestone 2
P.Lansdown Capt.
M.Gilmore Win D.Mackay Win, J.Burtion Win,S.Burton Win, C.Gilmore Win,M Sutton Win,D.Herron Win
M.Roberts Lost,P.Langley Lost
Result Match Deal 4 v Royal St Georges 1 : 30th April.
M.Gilmore & P.Tomlinson v S.King & D.Brett Match halved.
M.Thomas & S.Gilmore v S.Ferbrace P.Crean Match halved.
P.Langley & M.Austin 2up v I.Murley & C.Murley Deal Win.
S. Scott & M.Sutton 6&5 v L Meakin& G.Lane Deal Win.
C.Gilmore & S.Minnock 2up v T.Hunt & J Gregory Deal Win.
March/April Results.
Dave Smith Senior Salver : 23rd April
1st M. Austin & P. Langley 43 pts .
2nd M.Dainton & S.Minnock 40 pts.
3rd B.Barnsley & S.Skirrow 38 pts.
Match V Sundridge Park. 16th April.
Result: Win 7 1/2 to 2 1/2 to Deal.
C.Gilmore Halved P.Langley 5&3 N.Jones 3&2 S.Minnock 4&3 M.Dainton 1up P.Tomlinson 5&3 M.Roberts 1 up M.Thomas 2 up
M.Gilmore Lost 2-1 D.Mackay Lost 5&4
Match V Gresham. 26th March.
Result :WIN 6-1/2 to 5- 1/2 to Deal.
Winners : Chopper,Phil Langley,Mark.Austin,George Mcintyre,Pete Morris.
Halfs: Dave Mackay & Snowy
19th March.
1st N.Jones 39pts
2nd P.Langley 36pts.
3rd S.Scott34 pts.
BLANCH CUP.12th March.
1st P. Langley 40 pts
2nd S.Scott 37 pts.
3rd A.Chase 36pts.
Johnny Love Classic.
1st. M.Austin & P.Langley 71pts.
2nd. L.Fox & S.Pells 70pts.
Individual scores.
1st L. Fox 40pts
2nd P.Langley 39pts
3rd L.Smith 38pts
February Results.
Wacca Champions Trophy Sun 26th.
1st Sean Gilmore 3 up
2nd William Jowett Level
3rd Peter Tomlinson. Level.
Memorial Trophy. Sun 19th
1st Mark Roberts 38pts
2nd Steve Pells 38pts
3rd Shaun Minnock 37 pts.
December Results.
Franks Match .
Winners Mark Gilmore & Shaun Skirrow with 35 points.
Billy Love Putter 20Nov,
Winners James Ellis & Matty Mackay 43pts.
2nd. Shaun Scott & Steve Pells 35 pts.
3rd Sam Killip & Luke Smith 34 pts.
Parent match result
Congratulations a 9-6 win for the Parent Team.
November Results.
Congratulations to Sean Gilmore for winning Club Singles knockout beating Jacob Dainton with the match going to the 18th well done both players.
Under 50’s Competition played 13th .
1st George Mcintyre 35pts.
2nd Ben Smith 34pts
3rd Joe Bryant 33 pts.
Georges first win well done and well done to all who took part.
October Results:
29/30th Heathcote Foursomes.
1st Nick Jones & Steve Burton. Sat 75 N Sun 75 N =150 Total
2nd Dave Mackay & Matty Mackay Sat 73 N Sun 77 =150 Total
23rd Jock Mackay Trophy.
1st Jacob Dainton & Matty Mackay 39pts.
2nd M.Roberts 39 pts.
Langley Park home Sunday 2nd October:
Score 5-3 win for Deal.
Mark Dainton Capt won 4-3
Liam Fox won 3-1
Mark Austin won 4-3
Mark Roberts won 3-1
Nick Jones won 3-2.
Thanks to all who took part in the fixture.
Latest Results for September:
Pro’s Prize Sunday 25th.
1st Mark Dainton 39 pts
2nd . Steve Pells 39 pts
3rd. Steve Burton. 36 pts
Jolly Sailors Sunday 18th .
Mark Gilmore & Nicky Chaplin winners with 41 points ,
Nearest the pin at the 8th won for the second year by Mark Sutton.
Chequers Cup Sunday 4th.
1st. Sam Killip Gross 71 Net 64
2nd. Mark Austin G 79 N 64
3rd. Nick Jones G 86 N 69.
Denham 50th Anniversary Match.
Great day had by all who travelled to this special event unfortunately the Golf was not so kind with Denham winning 7.5 – half.
More importantly Deal retained the Bombers trophy with Dave Mackay becoming the champions bomber.
Presidents Bowl 13th/14th Aug 2022
1st Jacob Dainton = +6 Sat -1 Sun +7 gross 69.
2nd Shaun Minnock = +4 Sat +5 Sun -1.
3rd Steve Pells =+1 Sat +2 Sun -1
31st July . Match V Blackheath.
Result 3-2 win for Deal
July 30 th Match V Swinley Forest.
Cracking day had at this new venue not so good with result a 6-0 loss at a very tough course.
24th July Match V Parent Club. Result .
6.5 -5.5 win for the Artisans lovely day had by all here’s looking forward to the return match.
ROB Tray result 10th July .
1st Dan Thatcher 41pts.
2nd Vince Peacock 40 pts.
3rd Rod Dempster 39pts.
Well done to Dan on his first win in the club.
Royal Cinque Ports V St Georges Away.
Result 5-10 loss final result 12 -8 win for St Georges.
Royal Cinque Ports Artisan V Royal St Georges. Sunday 3rd July.
Result 3-2 to Deal.
M.Dainton (Capt) & J.Marriott Lost 6-5
D.Mackay & C.Gilmour Won 5-3
S.Minnock & L.Smith Lost 5-4
P.Lansdown & J. Bryant Won 3-2
D.Oliver & L.Fox Won 2-1
Intermediate Cup 26th june
1st Paul Lansdown 85-10 =75
2nd Mark Sutton 87-10 =77
Cribben Cup. 26th June
1st Rodney Dempster 92 -24 =68
2nd Shaun Minnock 87 -16 =71
Bridgeland Scratch Cup 25th JuneResult.
1st Luke Smith 78
2nd Colin Gilmour 78
Veterans Match 19th June.
Winner I.Marriott 41 pts.
2nd V.Peacock 36 pts
3rd, M.Roberts 35 pts.
Charity day was held and a great day had by all with lovely conditions.£1380 was raised & donated to the Green Zone and money was presented to Mrs A Collins.
J.Lansdown & J.Scorer with 40 pts.
P.Lansdown & T.Osman 38 Pts
Latest result 29th May Match against Blackheath.
Deal 9 Blackheath 3
M.Dainton Capt Lost 5&4
C.Gilmour Won 3&2
P.Lansdown Lost 5&4
S.Pells Won 4&2
S.Burton Won 3&2
A.Chase Halved
D.Mackay Won 5&4
V.Peacock Won 6&5
N.Jones Won 4&3
M.Austion Won 1up
J.Dadd Halved
M.Duck Won 6-4
Course Closures: 26,27,28th May All Day.
2nd -5th June Willingdon Foursomes.
June 8th ,9th AON
June 11th Captains Charity
Outpost visited these shores again and Deal were triumphant with a convincing 6.5- 1.5 win . Lovely day was had and a demonstration of Bombers giving to a few new visitors.
Firstly we would like to welcome two new members to the Club Luke Smith and Martyn Duck . Luke returning after a long break welcome boys and enjoy your golf. Upcoming matches against Outposts and Blackheath ,outposts is fully booked but we need players for Blackheath please try support the event.
Latest Results:
Sunley Bowl :
1st Colin Gilmour 67 nett
2nd Steve Pells 71
3rd Colin Mortimer 71
Newman Shield
1st Martin Fry 66 nett
2nd Dean Oliver 72
3rd Luke Smith 72
Latest Results:
Mrs Love Memorial:
1st May
1st: Paul Lansdown 43pts.
2nd Mark Roberts 40 pts
3rd: George McIntyre 40 pts
Seniors Cup:
24th April
1st Steve Burton 33pts
2nd Andy Chase 31pts
3rd Mark Gilmour 28pts
Dave Smith Salver:
3rd April
1st :Colin Gilmour & Sean Gilmour 36pts
2nd Paul Lansdown & Stuart Bennett 36pts
3rd Mark Gilmour & Jamie Marriott
Match V Gresham:
Result = 7-5 win.
C.Gilmore Lost 2-1 / P, Tomlinson Lost 3-2/M.Dainton Capt Won 3-2/P.Lansdown Won 1up/C.Mortimer Lost 2-1/M.Austin won 5-3/ S.Minnock Won 1up/G.Skirrow won 4-3/R.Dempster halved/D.Mackay won2-1/ M.Login lost 1down/N.Jones halved.
Blanch Cup:
Derek Hibbert 39pts
Colin Gilmore 37pts
Stuart Bennett 36pts.
Johnny Love Classic 6th March :
Steve Pells 37 pts& Matt Thomas combined 68pts.
Sam Killip 34 pts& Vince Peacock combined 64pts.
St Egluis Shield Latest results.
Firstly we would like to Welcome our first Lady member Leanne Atkins, Leanne welcome, we hope you enjoy your golf playing such a great venue.
February has been and gone and the new season has begun with the Wacca Champions Cup.
Played Sunday 20 February in what can only be described as a westerly gale 10 took part in difficult conditions.
Winner Pete Tomlinson 3 Down.
2nd Mark Austin 3 Down.
3rd Dave Mackay 4 Down.
Sunday 27th The Memorial Trophy was contested by 26 players with a stiff south easterly breeze.
Winner Mark Austin with 38 pts.
2nd Dean Oliver 37pts.
3rd Rod Dempster 36 pts.
St Egluis Shield latest results.
Please be reminded that the AGM takes place on Sun 13th 11:00 am sharp if you want to raise any points or any other business please email RCP -Artisans @aol.com.
Please do your best to attend.
October & November have been a busy few months with several competitions taking place all being well attended with good scoring in sometimes difficult conditions.
Dave Smith Senior Salver:
Played on the 27th Oct was won by Jamie Marriot & Mark Gilmore with a score of 37pts.
The Jock Mackay Trophy:
Played on 31st Oct was won by Phil Langley & Steve Burton with a score of 36 pts.
The Heathcote Foursomes:
Played over the 6/7th Nov was won by Mark Dainton & Shaun Minnock with nett scores of 70/75 .
The Cheetham Cup :
Played on the 14th Nov was won by Steve Burton with a nett 67.
Results from the latest competitions and matches against Royal St Georges.
The Under 50’s Competition was won by Jamie Marriott with a score of 32pts with Liam Fox 2nd with 31 pts.
The Newman Shield was won by Dave Mackay for the second year running with a score of 69 pts with Snowy Gilmore in 2nd with 70 pts. The Club again hosted a successful visit by the Ladies from the parent club with Mrs Brigsie Gordon & Liam Fox winning with an impressive 46 pts. An additional Trophy for nearest the pin at the 8th was presented to Club by John Cristie in memory of his wife Mrs Pauline Manning, this was won by Mark Sutton.
Match against St Georges was concluded with a well won 8-5 -6-5 victory for us.
D.Oliver& P.Tomlinson Lost 3-2
S.Killip & M.Thomas won 5-4
A.Mackay & L.Fox lost 5-4
M.Austin & M.Mackay won 2 up
P.Morris& C.Mortimer won 4-2.
Winner- Gareth Watkinson 36 pts.
Runner Up – Kevin Jackson 35pts
Team of 12 Artisans travelled for the first away match with Royal Ashdown losing 7.5 -4.5
M.DAINTON (Capt) WON 2-1
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.